Friday, January 29, 2010

Beautiful nights, beautiful people.

It was just another night
With a sunset
And a moonrise not so far behind
To give us just enough light
To lay down underneath the stars
Listen to papas translations
Of the stories across the sky
We drew our own constellations

I bought a Jack Johnson cd today. I listen to it and it makes me think of special things. I feel real nice :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Head Vs Heart

I always hoped i'd have the strength to do all those cliche things- Follow your heart, heart over mind, put love above all
But the truth is my head beats my heart every time. Whenever i get caught up in any chance of a relationship, i do this stupid stupid thing where i start to think. And then i keep thinking and thinking and all of a sudden all those things that seemed to fit together, fall apart and i'm left with a huge mess of doubts.
I don't think i'm cut out for this relationship stuff. As soon as any tiny thing goes wrong i ruin everything.

About face

I do not like what you've become
I do not like what you've become
I do not like what you've become
I do not like what you've become

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Iter Itineris

One day you'll look over life as if thinking of a failed relationship.
You'll sort through memories in the most explicit manner and try to pinpoint that exact moment when things seemed to go wrong.
You'll search every part of your mind to try and find that exact day, exact event, exact moment that you lost your way, when things began to fall apart.
But you will only find yourself disappointed.
With your only memories of failure being blurs of motion, you will never see your moment of defeat, only the things that exist from it.
On this infinite road of lonely souls, you'll always hope that it was fate that took that wrong turn, not you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


She rules the world haha
The last couple of weeks have been awesome just because of her.
I hate not having her at home anymore :(
But i'm going to hers for a lesbian Australia Day Party
So life will rule on Tuesday
I can't wait to be back in Wodonga on Friday.
So many people to catch up with! I miss everyone!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Grace and Juliet

The finished product of our music video :D

Let me know what you think.
It's quite an amazing feeling to see the finished product of something you've worked towards for years.
Like the actual clip only took a couple of days to make and about a week to edit. But the work we've put towards getting where we are has really been the stuff that i'm feeling has paid off now. It's nice to have an accomplishment like this. :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Don't try.



I'm in Melbourne and things feel quite amazing.
We just finished two days (about 18 hours) of recording!
The song is now completely different but fucking awesome so i'm happpy.
I got some chill time with Milli today and saw her new house
which i refer to as the island of lesbos (7 lesbians in one house). She's so happy, i love it!
Tomorrow we're doing the music video. We decided to do it at the Dandenongs so it'll be all foresty and cool haha but i really have no idea what we're doing for it yet. So that'll be interesting...
Can't wait to see how this all turns out, it could easily go one way or the other. But i'm having an amazing time experiencing everything and i really can't wait to move here. So i guess it doesn't really matter at all what comes of it.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My next adventure.

I'm leaving for Melbourne tomorrow at about 4am.
Monday and Tuesday will be spent recording at Studio 52 with Empire Records. We've got 20 hours recording time for one song! So it'll be pretty crazy.
Then Wednesday we're doing a music video for the song, probably on the beach and Thursday a photo shoot and just finishing everything off. Then straight home to work at 5.30.
This will all be so amazing so it confuses me as to why i'm not even excited! Haha
After i get home Thursday i'm going to Merimbula for a week. This will only be good for my chill time with Milli.
Everything is falling my way lately, things are looking up and i'm feeling good.
I just sometimes wish i wasn't so numb to things.
Text me while i'm away! I'm missing everyone.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I miss Maddi

It makes me hurt all over.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Home could be anywhere when i am holding you..

I have, once again, found happiness in another person.
One truly amazing person.
I feel happy again and it's been a while since i've been able to honestly say that.
I love this feeling.