Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas.

I volunteer serving lunch to homeless and disadvantaged people.
Maybe we should try giving to someone who actually needs it for a change.
It doesn't take much to give something to someone who has nothing. Just your company, kind wishes and the ability to make them feel valued. No one should have to be alone on Christmas.

But you've got tradition to live up to and keep going?
Fuck that! We made it our tradition.

Christmas is about giving, and in my mind, gifts don't come in the form of a present. The feeling of compassion and knowing you've actually made someones day will always be 1000000 times better than getting some shiny new toy wrapped in colorful paper.

Materialism and consumerism, open your eyes. This isn't what this season should be.


Alex said...

agreed i love you and miss you

Jessie said...

Grace, you really are truly amazing. I love you!

Anonymous said...

Your blog utterly intruiging. I understand what you're getting across in almost all - the rest I feel are too personal and of your own experience to truly grasp.

I give you kudos on your wisdom.